
Whether you want to sell your business, purchase a business, provide your employees with employment agreements, provide your customers with terms of trade, protect your brand with a trademark or a myriad of other day to day agreements, ClickLaw is here to assist.

ClickLaw has the experience and the suite of documents and precedents to assist with many commercial agreements and the knowledge to advise on and/or enforce your rights under commercial agreements.

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Australian team of lawyers

Business Sale and Purchase

Sale of a business

ClickLaw regularly assists buyers and sellers with the acquisition of businesses. There are many moving pieces when it comes to a sale of a business and the legal due diligence process is imperative to the success of the business for both the buyer and the seller. 

ClickLaw simplifies the process without cutting corners and is able to assist business owners with the preparation of the business for sale and the purchaser from beginning to end.
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Employment Law

Employers and Employees

Employment agreements are essential to reflect the agreements reached between employers and employees. These employment agreements must be drafted with close attention to relevant legislation which can often override what is written and agreed between the employer and employee. 

ClickLaw lawyers are familiar with the legislation and can provide employers with written agreements to utilise in their business or advise employees of their rights in relation to their employment.
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Commercial Leasing

Landlord or tenant

It is not unusual for a lease to be the most valuable asset for any given business be it as a Tenant or a Landlord. It is imperative that the written lease documents accurately reflect the agreement between the Tenant and the Landlord. 

ClickLaw lawyers regularly prepare leases for landlords and advise and negotiate leases on behalf of tenants.
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Over 20 years experience in dispute resolution

We act for clients in complex litigation matters, including in the area of estates disputes. We regularly appear in the Supreme Court of NSW and District Court of NSW.
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What is included in legal due diligence for the purchase of a business?
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Depending on the size of the business, you will want to have reviewed employment agreements, leases, terms of trade, supplier agreements and directors or shareholders duties.

Do I need a shareholders agreement?
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If you intend to own a business via a shareholding in a company with other shareholders, it is absolutely imperative that you have a shareholders agreement governing the rights and responsibilities of those involved in the business.

Can ClickLaw provide shareholders agreements?
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Yes. We would be delighted to assist as this is one of the foundations upon which successful businesses are built.

We have supplied goods and services but the purchaser refuses to pay us. Can ClickLaw help?
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Yes. We have extensive dispute resolution experience and can assist with recovering debts.

I have been provided with a lease. Can you help me understand it?
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We would be delighted to advise you on your lease documents and the implications of signing a lease or a licence agreement.

Lawyer looking at conveyancing contract with client


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We will take the stress out of buying or selling a property and guide you expertly through each step of the conveyancing process.

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